Age is But a Number

What’s your number? Age is on my mind now. In less than 80 days, I turn 40! No other birthday has been a big a milestone as this one. When I turned 30, somehow I was thrust into a more adult outlook to life. Thirty was an age of differentiation from my family. I made my own choices and became more accountable for my life and my own actions. But hitting thirty also meant a slower metabolism. Gaining weight was easier, and losing weight was tougher.


A milestone birthday is a great time to take stock of your life and make changes. I call it my #fit2forty project. After many failed attempts, I want to finally achieve my fitness goal, but also become fit in matters of financial, career, spiritual, and personal aspects of life.


Recently, our Facebook feeds were filled with’s How Old Do I Look? App. The #howoldrobot is a face detection app which identifies your age. My friend Francis sent me a photo of us, where he was identified at 54, and me 22. I asked the robot to check a photo of me and it said I was 23. Of course I was thrilled. But it also identified me at 46, 32, 29, and 37. A journalist I recently met refused to tell me her age. I am excited to hit my 40’s. I’ve earned every strand of grey hair on my head. I’ve also gained the wisdom that comes with age and experience. I’ve also grown to like who I am more, and have become less concerned with pleasing others. And yes, those extra pounds I carry on my body are results of choices I’ve made. I’m comfortable in my own skin. My life is not perfect, nowhere close to it, but there is much to celebrate. There is much to be grateful for.


So with less than eighty days left, with arms wide open, I embrace my number! I am mindful of the work I yet have to put into to hit my fit2forty goals. I will give it my all to reach those goals, but I also treat myself with kindness if I don’t. For the first time also, I am extremely excited to celebrate my birthday. I will be doing what I love most, traveling, this time with my best friend. She too turned 40 this year. We both marvel at how we’ve been friends since we were 8 years old.


Whatever your number is, embrace it! It doesn’t matter how old perceive you. What matters is how richly blessed you perceive yourself.


Have a great week ahead!


Maida’s Touch- Feeding Restless Appetites!


Copyright.MaidaPineda.2015. postedMay11,2015

  • reply Mariela ,

    That’s an iniegnous way of thinking about it.

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